Stud Service Terms and Conditions
Fowberry Alpacas will endeavour to provide the very best care for your alpacas visiting our stud males.Visiting females are housed in their own paddock with a quiet, caring environment. Their care includes all feed (Camelibra), any routine husbandry and a comprehensive handover report on departure. The stud service fee includes 10 weeks agistment and ultrasound scan to confirm pregnancy before departure. Females staying in excess of this may be charged extra weekly agistment. All veterinary costs will be met by the owner, whom we shall attempt to inform immediately, should any health problems arise. In the unlikely event that females leave us not pregnant, only agistment charges and veterinary costs (if any) will apply.
We pride ourselves on our enhanced biosecurity measures at Fowberry Alpacas and to this end we have four “Visiting Female” paddocks ranging from 1.25 acres to 2.85 acres all separated by 4m raceways. Paddock occupancy needs to be sensible to avoid females gaining weight while with us, and consequently we must ask for at the least, three females for each of our <2 acre paddocks and 5+ females for each of the larger ones. All fees are payable prior to alpacas returning home. We will expect clients to fully investigate with their vet any females that do not hold a pregnancy following their third “Drive By” visit, and a signed mating contract will authorise us in advance to do likewise after three refusals or three unsuccessful “On Farm” matings. At Fowberry Alpacas, we pay particular attention to our males’ grazing and nutrition to ensure correct body condition and mineral balance for optimum fertility, and their enviable “strike rate” demonstrates this.
All females for “On Farm” matings (BLUE PRICES) or for “Drive By” mating (GREEN PRICES) must be healthy, in the correct body condition for conceiving, sheared for the current season, or pre-trimmed around the rear before arrival. We will require satisfactory written confirmation that they have not been in contact with any livestock with, or on a holding that has or has had, within the preceding six months, any known health risks (e.g. bTB, BVD, Eimeria Macusaniensis, mange). A signed Mating Contract and female’s breeding/recent veterinary history to include current endoparasite and ectoparasite control regimes and vaccination programmes is required in advance from clients not known to us, along with satisfactory answers to reasonable enquiries regarding health and biosecurity before we will accept females for mating. For a copy of our contract please contact us.
We cannot guarantee that a field shelter will be available in every visiting females’ paddock, so we would counsel against very early and very late season “On Farm” matings, or very young crias accompanying females. We have three field shelters in visiting females fields.
Fowberry Alpacas guarantee a live cria on the ground (24 hrs) or a free return to service. This guarantee applies only to the owner of the female at the time of mating and is not transferable to another female or owner. The live cria guarantee will be honoured after a post mortem certificate signed by a veterinarian confirms that the loss was not due to avoidable causes. Free return and live cria guarantees cannot be honoured due to the death of the female.
As all visiting alpacas are entirely at their owners’ risk, fully insuring each animal is advised. Payment is duestrictly by/on the day of mating for “Drive By” matings. For “On Farm” matings we will require 33% of the Stud Fees on delivery of the females and the balance prior to their return.
Stud Service Pricing Structure.
All Prices are subject to VAT at the current rate.
Please note that our breeding season runs from late May after the males have been sheared through to the end of September when they will be in their winter groups and accommodation.
MALE | |
900 750 |
900 750 |
900 750 |
600 450 |
600 450 |
600 450 |
BLUE prices. “On Farm” mating, includes agistment at Crambe Grange in a paddock exclusively for their own use (three or more females) for 10 weeks and also an ultrasound scan to confirm pregnancy.
GREEN prices. “Drive By” mating, female comes to Crambe Grange – mated ‘while you wait’.