Sorry, we have no courses available and none planned.
Please click through on a course you are interested in to see the content.
A power point presentation is used on the courses and attendees have bound course notes to accompany any course. The Alpaca Educational Workshop covers all the basic information about alpacas and their management. The Advanced Alpaca Course covers a smaller range of subjects in more detail.
Numbers are kept small to ensure that attendees have access to the alpacas and their tutors.
One course cost for two people is refundable if you decide to buy alpaca females from us at any point.
Alpaca Educational Workshop
This alpaca training course is designed to provide an oversight of alpacas, their ownership and management. There is practical hands-on training with the alpacas in the morning and after lunch we explore the practical requirements of alpacas, with time for questions. The course should enable the attendee to assess whether alpacas are for them, as well as giving a good grounding in alpaca knowledge. One of the aims of this course is for attendees to be able to go anywhere in the country and recognise a valuable fleece and sound conformation on any alpaca.
Alpaca Courses – Advanced
This course is designed for those with previous knowledge of alpacas and their care, or a continuation from the Educational Workshop. We explore in more detail a smaller range of subjects than the Introductory course. The course should enable the attendee to broaden their knowledge of alpacas and benefit from the extensive experience of birthing, prize-winning breeding programme and profitable marketing of alpacas and their produce that Graham and Jenny MacHarg have gained over several years.